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May 2022


Designation Form Must be Returned

Check your mailbox! DUE May 26

This is a one time per year opportunity to request having your credits applies to your TADS account. NO EXCEPTIONS!

The Scrip fiscal year ended on April 30, 2022. The end of the fiscal year tuition/education credit reports are being mailed to all families with a Scrip account. Included in the reports is a designation form asking whether you want your tuition/education credits rolled over or applied to a designated MLHS TADS account for 2022-2023. It is very important that you return the designation form by May 26th, 2022.

If the designation form is not returned by MAY 26 the tuition/education credits will automatically be rolled over, no exceptions.



The RaiseRight gift guide has lower denomination cards perfect for spring gifting.

  • Amazon - $10

  • Meijer - $10

  • Panera - $5

  • Starbucks - $5

  • Taco Bell - $5

  • Walmart - $10



The Scrip program is looking for volunteers to pick up gift cards/certificates from local vendors on Wednesday mornings.  It takes approximately 1-2 hours and you are usually scheduled for one Wednesday per month.  We need volunteers for the summer months and for the 2022/2023 school year. Please email scrip@mlhslancers.org or call 920-686-6711 if you are interested in helping out.



We are temporarily unable to obtain the following cards until further notice: BP, and Shell $100.


Monday thru Friday

7:30 AM to 3:30 PM 

4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Thursday

Summer Hours Begin May 31st

Monday - Thursday 9AM-1PM, Thursday 4PM-6PM

Closed Friday's

Click the link to the scrip calendar to see extended hours during summer camps:



The SCRIP office follows the school schedule for breaks, early closures or cancellation due to inclement weather. If you are not sure we are open, please call!


There is a table set up in the hallway where we will come out to you.  If possible, have your order form filled out prior to coming to the Scrip office. 


You may continue to email or call in your order ahead of time or order online at


or directly from the mobile app




(limited to what is in stock)

Kwik Trip at 10%

Fleet Farm 10%


New Scrip

Strand Adventures and El Tequila!


The RaiseRight app has all of the current bonuses.

Want to setup an online account and purchase eGift cards from the convenience of your phone? Let us show you how! Email us for call us for directions. 




Don't miss this popular, earning event. You can accelerate your earnings with bonuses on eGift cards and reloaded gift cards. Get ready to make an even bigger impact on what matters most to you and MLHS!

Shop Mother's Day

Check the Raise Right app for special Mother’s Day bonuses. Earn up to 18% (only on the RaiseRight app) Or stop in and purchase certificates for flowers, jewelry, chocolates, and spirit wear.

Trust us, Mom would be happy to receive a gift card!



If you have a Super Scrip certificate tucked away now is the time to redeem it! All certificates dated May 2020 will be expiring end of May.


SCRIP Contact Information:

Phone: (920) 686-6711 (direct line)
Email: scrip@mlhslancers.org

Order SCRIP online: www.shopwithscrip.com

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