| | MLHS FULLY ACCREDITED ONCE AGAIN! "We recently received the good news that our school is fully accredited with WELSSA once again! The visit team actually came and did their evaluation back in February, but there were four standards that we had not fully met at that time because we were lacking enough evidence to show that we are meeting what they require. We have taken care of that need since then and the visit team has approved of our actions. Not only are we thankful for the status we’ve been given, we now look forward to implementing the many recommendations they gave us to improve our ministry during the next five years." Pastor Norv Kock President Every five years MLHS goes through a very important accreditation process. Why is this important and what is the process? You can learn more at the link below. "WELS School Accreditation (WELSSA) is a process in which the school evaluates its current education practices and seeks sound methods to build on its strengths and determine new ways to grow and strengthen the educational ministry of the school for the benefit of the students and parents to the glory of God." |
| | MLHS SUMMER CAMPS UNDERWAY MLHS Summer Sports Camps and Lancer Speed & Strength are in full swing the past couple of weeks at MLHS. |
|  | | MAIN OFFICE & SCRIP SUMMER OFFICE HOURS During the summer, the main office will be open to the public Monday through Thursday from 9AM-1PM. SCRIP will have the same hours as the Main Office with additional time Thursday evenings from 4-6PM. BOTH OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED THE WEEK OF JULY 4th. Thank you for planning accordingly. |
| | SUMMER SO FAR AT MLHS Lots of work being done all around MLHS this summer. Teachers on the move from classroom to classroom, bathroom upgrade, office moves, floors waxed, lockers cleaned, walls painted, and it's not even the 4th of July yet! We are so thankful to such awesome staff members such as Mark Ross, Mark Robison, Marty Mikel, and the summer work crew during this time of year, if you run into these guys say thank you for all they do for the high school, we couldn't function without them! |
| THEOLOGY CALL UPDATE Pastor Andrew Schwartz declined the call to the theology department. Please keep him and his family in your prayers, and that the Lord bless the ministry of Pastor Schwartz and his flock in Washington. The board meets tomorrow and they will talk about a plan for what to do next. |
| | ATTENTION PARENTS Needs-based tuition assistance applications for the 2022-23 school year are now open. Applications can be done on the TADs website. If you have any questions please contact T.J. Schneider in the MLHS Business office. Tschneider@mlhslancers.org |
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| | Home Visits for Incoming Freshman and Any NEW students to MLHS The MLHS Advisors for the 2022-2023 School Year have their lists of advisees and would like to set up home visits for any NEW students to MLHS. The visits need to take place between mid-June and July 27th. So if you have a student that is a freshman or has transferred this year to MLHS, you can expect a call from your student's advisor to schedule a home visit with you. They will work around your schedule and look forward to meeting you! Please have your computer ready at the time of the visit, and they will be requesting a photo of your student as well so the office can produce their student id and have it ready by the first day of school. Thank you! |
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| Big News: The MATCH is STILL ON! The MLHS building project continues to move forward and the board of control continues to consider how best to proceed in light of the current increase in costs. We are thankful that the $600,000 matching gift has been extended, which means that any new pledge or donation will be matched up to that amount. To this date, $395,025 has been matched. A groundbreaking date is still to be determined. Please pray for blessings on this campaign and on the ministry of MLHS, which is centered on our risen and victorious Savior! www.mlhslancers.org/donate |
| |  | The camps that are still accepting registrations are: Cross Country grades 5-8; Football grades 4-8; Wrestling grades 1-12; Volleyball grades 3-9. Register two weeks before first camp day to receive a shirt! |
Summer Sport Camps-Registration Open! Check out the great options we have for summer sports camps for boys and girls from grades 1-12. Grades are according to the 22-23 School Year. Fundamentals for the younger kids, and skill development for the older ones. MLHS also offers speed and strength training for grades 7-12. Go to https://www.mlhslancers.org/kids to sign up! Feel free to still sign up for Speed and Strength Training for grades 7-12. |
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|  | MLHS Garage Sale Friday, June 17 from 8am-5pm and Saturday, June 18 from 8am-4pm. The sale will be located on campus over by the campus house on the property. So much to sell! Everything MUST go! No holds! See you all there and be sure to bring your friends! . |
| 30th Annual Lancer Golf Classic Please join us on Monday, July 25th as we head to the beautiful Quit Qui Oc Golf Club in Elkhart Lake for the 30th Annual Lancer Golf Classic! Enjoy a game of golf, fellowship, contests, and fun! Lunch will be served on the course at holes 11 and 18. Money raised will help offset some of the bigger Wishlist items for the Athletic Department. Helping to pay for the visiting team bleachers for the football field, baseball field improvements, headsets for the football coaches and softball team jackets are just a few of the items needed! Sign up today! . |
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| | Help Needed! Any MLHS event would not be made possible without the help of our many volunteers and Lancer Family supporters. On July 25th, we are hosting the 30th annual MLHS Lancer Golf Classic at the beautiful Quit Qu Oc Golf Course in Elkhart Lake! Here's where you come in . . . we need your help! Please consider signing up to help with the registration table, running the games on the course, and helping with check out at the end of the event. Sign up with a friend and enjoy the sun and fellowship. If you have any questions please reach out to Ryan Hulse at rhulse@mlhslancers.org |
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| | Spirit Wear Available in the SCRIP Office! Are you looking to show your MLHS pride? Our spirit store is fully stocked and make perfect gifts for yourself or anyone on your list. To view and purchase your spirit wear, stop by the SCRIP office anytime during their open hours. The MLHS SCRIP Sumer Office is open Monday - Friday, 9:00AM-1:00PM, with additional hours on Thursdays, 4:00PM-6:00PM. |
MLHS Mission Advancement Job Opportunity Do you have a passion for your alma mater? Do you desire to work in a Christ-centered work environment? Mission Advancement is looking for a passionate full-time assistant to enhance our Alumni and donor experience for the coming school year. Contact Mission Advancement Director Ryan Hulse with any questions. Please go to www.mlhslancers.org/jobs to fill out an application. |
| | Don't forget to check out the Sports Update every Monday for all of your MLHS Athletic news |
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Check out the MLHS Scrip page for updated forms, newsletters, and special incentives |
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| | Manitowoc Lutheran High School 4045 Lancer Circle | Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 920-682-0215 | MLHS@mlhslancers.org |
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