| Chapel This week... Leading us in Chapel this week is Mr. Scott Loberger. Our theme this week is 'Who Am I? I Am Risen with Christ" Reminder that we livestream chapel each day except on Wednesday when our students have devotion in their homerooms. This week Friday we welcome Pastor Ross Henzi from Trinity Brillion, who brings us God's Word. You can view chapel on Livestream by clicking here. | | | | 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 20 But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since death came by a man, the resurrection of the dead also is going to come by a man. 22 For as in Adam they all die, so also in Christ they all will be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: Christ as the firstfruits and then Christ’s people, at his coming. Romans 6:1-4 Dead to Sin and Living for God 6 What shall we say then? Shall we keep on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 Absolutely not! We died to sin. How can we go on living in it any longer? 3 Or do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him by this baptism into his death, so that just as he was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too would also walk in a new life. | | | | |  | Mr. Paul Durkee Mr. Paul Durkee has announced that he has returned the call to serve at Garden Homes Lutheran School in Milwaukee, WI. He will continue to serve in the MLHS Mission Advancement Department. | |  | The Federation has called Pastor Ben Schaefer to serve as the next President of MLHS. Pastor Schaefer currently serves at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church and as Superintendent, Catechism Teacher, Latin Instructor, and Chapel Leader at Mt. Calvary Christian Academy in Redding, CA. | | |  | Mr. Joel Barthel Mr. Joel Barthel is still holding his call to serve at Divine Savior Academy - Houston, TX to teach upper grades to a growing school. Please keep Joel his wife Misty and their entire family in your prayers. | |  | The Board of Control has called Pastor Dustin Blumer to serve in the theology department. Pastor Blumer currently serves as lead pastor at Amazing Love Lutheran Church in Frankfort, IL. | | | | | Parker Vogt's Fight Against Cancer By this time many of you have heard that Parker Vogt (MLHS '22), is battling cancer. To support Parker in his fight the MLHS family banded together last week and held a penny war. Our student council set up the drive and monitored the water jugs as they filled up throughout the week. Our penny wars work a little differently than your standard penny war, all coins are worth their value per point, ie. penny=1 point, nickel=5 points, dime=10 points, etc. While bills are worth negative points at 100 points per $1, ie. $1 bill = -100 points, $5 bill = -500 points, etc. Our students banded together to show their support for Parker and his family during this difficult time and were able to raise $2,277.63 to help offset the financial burden of medical costs. | |  |  | Team Parker T-Shirts To also show our support to Parker at this time the student council has designed and are selling 'Team Parker' T-shirts. They are available now for $15 a piece, all proceeds will go directly to the Vogt family. These are available to anyone and everyone, order them for the whole family! T-shirt Order Other ways you can help... Donate to Caring Bridge Donate to GoFundMe | |  | | |  | | | Monday 4/24 Varsity Track North Division Mini Meet @ Hilbert HS | 3:30pm JV Baseball @ Two Rivers | 4pm | | Tuesday 4/25 - HR/Flex Varsity Baseball @ Reedsville | 4:30pm JV Baseball home vs Reedsville | 4:30pm Varsity Softball @ Reedsville (following Oostburg vs Reedsville) possible 6pm start | | Wednesday 4/26 Spring Band Concert MLHS Gym | 6:30pm | |  | Thursday 4/27- HR/Flex Varsity Baseball - Softball home vs Random Lake | 4:30pm | | Friday 4/28 Varsity Track Invite @ Brillion HS | 4:00pm Varsity Softball home vs Fox Valley Lutheran | 4:30pm JV Softball home vs Fox Valley Lutheran | 6:25pm | | Saturday 4/29 Varsity Baseball @ Roncalli HS | 11:00am JV Baseball @ Roncalli HS | 1:00pm MLHS Prom @ The Venue | 7-11:30pm | | | Monday 5/1 - 2 hour delay AP Testing | AP Government |8am Varsity Baseball & Softball @ Valders | 4:30pm JV Baseball & Softball @ Valders | 6pm | | Tuesday 5/2 - HR/Flex Varsity Baseball @ Ozaukee | 4:30pm B.O.C. Meeting MLHS room 101 | 6:30pm | | Wednesday 5/3 Starred First Concert | Choir Room 133 | 6:30pm | |  | Thursday 5/4 Varsity & JV Track @ SMC | 4pm Varsity Baseball Home vs Kohler | 4:30pm Varsity Softball Home vs Cedar Grove-Belgium | 4:30pm | | Friday 5/5 JV Baseball Home vs Ozukee | 4:30pm Varsity Softball @ Green Bay West 4:30pm | | Saturday 5/6 WSMA State Competition @ UW Green Bay | 8AM JV Baseball Triangular @ Mishicot HS vs Southern Door | 12:30pm | vs Mishicot | 3pm | | Sunday 5/7 Shining Through Christ Friendship Sunday @ MLHS | 1pm | |  | | |  | Friday & Saturday, May 12-13| Lancer Dance Team tryouts are coming up for all girls current grades 8-11 who are attending MLHS next year. Please sign up below. May 12th 5-8pm in the choir room May 12th 7:30-8pm Parent Information meeting in the Music Classroom May 13th 5-7pm in the gym It is mandatory to attend both days. SIGN UP | |  | Tuesday, May 16 | Martin Luther College Wind Symphony Concert in the MLHS Gym 7pm | | Saturday, May 20 | Prism Concert & Art Show 4pm & 7pm | |  | Sunday, May 21 | Church Year in Song | Featuring the MLHS Concert Choir & Lancer Singers @ First German Lutheran Church | 7pm | | Saturday, May 27 | MLHS Graduation 10am Monday, July 24 | Lancer Golf Classic- Quit Qui Oc Golf Club | |  | | | | MLC Wind Symphony Coming to MLHS Music is oftentimes like an old friend who journeys by our side on the road of life. Please join the Martin Luther College Wind Symphony for “The Road Well-Traveled.” Many of the melodies on the program are like well-loved friends, and along the way, you’ll be introduced to newer voices who may very well become fast friends. The MLC Wind Symphony concert will be held at Manitowoc Lutheran High School on Tuesday, May 16th at 7:00pm. We look forward to seeing you there! Manitowoc Lutheran is looking for assistance in housing the MLC Wind Symphony on the evening of May 16th. Approximately 38 students will need to be housed. If you are willing to house any of these future WELS pastors, teachers, or staff ministers, please contact Charis Scharf at cscharf@mlhslancers.org by Tuesday, May 9th. Thank you for considering this opportunity! | | | | | MLHS Forensics Team at State Speech We are proud to announce the wonderful job done by our Forensics members who competed at the State speech competition held at De Forest High School/Middle school this past weekend. Twelve Lancers made their on Saturday morning and each competitor placed bronze or higher, Glory be to God! We are very proud of your accomplishments after hard work all season! State results are listed below, congratulations to everyone on a great job this year! (Student | Grade | Score | Type) Gold Doracs Wang | Junior | 25/25 | Informative Richard Wang | Sophomore | 25/25 | Poetry Reading Caleb Krahn | Senior | 25/25 | Solo Serious Silver Bianca Michel | Senior | 24/25 | Impromptu Kaly Wang | Freshman | 24/25 | Informative Christian He | Freshman | 24/25 | Moments in History Jaelyn DeVries | Junior | 24/25 | Prose Reading Elijah Ruddat | Sophomore | 24/25 | Solo Humorous Jacob Sielaff | Junior | 24/25 | Solo Humorous Lillian Ruddat | Senior | 23/25 | Solo Humorous Bronze Callie Sawall | Sophomore | 22/25 | Moments in History Sorcha Hang | Freshman | 22/25 | Prose Reading | |  |  | Building Our Future On Christ Please PRAY: Ask for God's blessings in our efforts to strengthen Manitowoc Lutheran High School's foundation through the Building Our Future on Christ Campaign. LEAD: Get engaged! Be an ambassador for the initiative by spreading the word and helping us transform our students, community, and world! SUPPORT: Continue to help us reach our phase one goal to raise at least an additional $4 million! Contact Martin Plocher, Campaign Director or Jerry Haupt, Campaign Chair at campaign@mlhslancers.org with any questions or comments you may have. You may also visit www.mlhslancers.org/campaign. Thank you. | | | |  | Track & Field Last week Tuesday (4.18) the MLHS JV Track team traveled to Oostburg for a quadrangular meet vs Sheboygan Lutheran, Cedar Grove-Belgium and Oostburg. Taking top places from the meet were: JV GIRLS Marissa Mehlhorn | High Jump | 1st | 4' 4" JV BOYS Ryder Vogt | High Jump | 2nd| 5' 4" On Thursday (4.20) our Varsity team traveled to Oostburg for a 9 team invitational. Congratulations to the many Lancers who placed or scored at the meet. A special congratulations to our girls team for placing 3rd overall! Lancer Track this week: Monday @ Hilbert HS 3:30pm | Friday @ Brillion HS 4pm | | GIRLS Girls 4x100m relay | 1st | 54.62 Girls 4x200m relay | 2nd | 1:57.17 Isabella Blauert | 100m | 2nd | 13.26 Lizzy Kolar | Discus | 3rd | 89-6 Makiah Krause | Triple Jump | 3rd | 31-4 BOYS Boys 4x800 relay | 4th | 9:30.50 Kaden Hagenow | 400m | 3rd | 53.86 Jacob Kanzenbach | 800m | 3rd | 2:11.50 | | | | BASEBALL (1-3) The Lancer baseball team traveled to Menasha last week Thursday (4/20) to take on the St. Mary Catholic Zephyrs. The Zephyrs scratched two across in the first inning and the Lancers were never able to overcome the deficit ultimately falling 3-2. Lancer freshman Logan Haupt collected his first and second career varsity hits and Run Batted In (RBI). Starting on the bump for the Lancers and suffering the loss was junior Noah Czarneski, who threw a solid 5 innings giving up 2 earned runs on 2 hits, striking out 7. Lancer baseball this week: Tuesday @ Reedsville (3-4) 4:30pm | Thursday (H) vs Random Lake (5-6) 4:30 | Saturday @ Roncalli (2-5) 11am | |  | SOFTBALL (3-4) Softball saw a lot of action last week playing in four games, lots of at bats and experienced gained. Although the Lancers come of of the week with only one win, the team is building on the positives and looking forward to the next slate of games coming up. Highlights from last week include Brylie Zirbel hitting her team leading 2nd triple of the season on Tuesday in the Lancers 1-0 loss against Elkhart Lake. On Friday vs Xavier, Jenna Lischka hit her team leading 4th double of the season, and Madison Luebke picked up her second Win this season in a 6-5 victory. On Saturday Sam Siehr extended her hitting streak to the same number of games played by the Lancers, 7. Lancer softball this week: Tuesday @ Reedsville (1-4) 4:30pm | Thursday (H) vs Random Lake (6-2) 4:30pm | Friday (H) vs Fox Valley Lutheran (4-5) 4:30pm | | | | | |  | | | |  | | Manitowoc Lutheran High School 4045 Lancer Circle | Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 920-682-0215 | MLHS@mlhslancers.org | | | | | | | | |