| Chapel This week... Leading us in Chapel this week is Mr. Nathan Hochmuth. This week our Chapel focus' on Psalm 8 (below). Reminder that we livestream chapel each day except on Wednesday when our students have devotion in their homerooms. You can view chapel on Livestream by clicking here. | | | | Psalm 8 The Glory of God Declared by the Heavens The Glory of God Declared by Children 1 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Set this glory of yours above the heavens. 2 From the lips of little children and nursing babies you have established strength because of your foes, to put a stop to the enemy and the avenger. The Glory of the Son of Man 3 Whenever I look up at your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place— 4 what is man that you remember him, the son of man that you pay attention to him! 5 Nevertheless, you make him suffer need, apart from God for a while, but you crown him with glory and honor. 6 You make him the ruler over the works of your hands. You put everything under his feet: 7 all flocks and cattle, and even the wild animals, 8 the birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea, which pass through the currents of the seas. 9 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! | | | | |  | Mr. Scott Loberger Mr. Scott Loberger has returned the call to serve at WLA. Praise God that Scott has come to a peaceful decision to continue serving here at MLHS. | | |  | Mr. Paul Durkee Mr. Paul Durkee has received a call to serve as 8th grade homeroom teacher at Garden Homes Lutheran School in Milwaukee, WI. Please keep Paul and his wife MacCartney in your prayers. | |  | Mr. Joel Barthel Mr. Joel Barthel has received a call to serve at Divine Savior Academy - Houston, TX to teach upper grades to a growing school. Please keep Joel his wife Misty and their entire family in your prayers. | | | | | Greetings from all the volunteers from Repeat Performance! Our gracious Lord continues to shower his abundant blessings on Repeat Performance. Through the efforts of all our volunteers, Repeat was able to provide $242,000 of financial support to MLHS in 2022. That is the largest one-year amount gifted to MLHS since our store opened. What makes this even more amazing, prior to Covid, the store was open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. After Covid we reduced hours, for several reasons, to 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. So even with the reduced hours, we are still able to provide record financial support to MLHS! During the month of March, contributions from Repeat Performance to MLHS surpassed the $2.5 million dollar mark, To God be the glory! Our volunteers are amazing. They serve at Repeat not because they have to. They serve because they want to. They serve because they love their Lord, and they love Manitowoc Lutheran High School. We are so blessed to have such a dedicated group of Christians who give so much to Repeat, all in service to their Lord. We are also thankful for all the people that offer donations to the store and the people that shop at Repeat. If you have never visited Repeat Performance, please take the opportunity to stop in and check out the store. Talk with one of the volunteers. You can find out everything you need to know about Repeat Performance. Maybe you will even get a tour. Repeat is a great store with a great purpose: Support the ministry at Manitowoc Lutheran High School. It’s all about the kids! Please continue to offer your prayers for Repeat Performance, and for our MLHS ministry. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endure forever”. (Psalm 107: vs 1 EHV) On behalf of all our Repeat Volunteers, Jerry Haupt | | |  | MLHS Hiring Food Service Assistant Description: MLHS is hiring a food service assistant. 30-35 hours per week. Tasks include, but are not limited to: ordering and/or shopping for supplies, food preparation, serving and clean-up, etc. Physical Requirements: able to lift 50+lbs, stand for entire shift. Food safety & handling experience suggested, not required. Applications can be completed online and returned to MLHS Business Manager, TJ Schneider at tschneider@mlhslancers.org | |  | Music is oftentimes like an old friend who journeys by our side on the road of life. Please join the Martin Luther College Wind Symphony for “The Road Well-Traveled.” Many of the melodies on the program are like well-loved friends, and along the way, you’ll be introduced to newer voices who may very well become fast friends. The MLC Wind Symphony concert will be held at Manitowoc Lutheran High School on Tuesday, May 16th at 7:00pm. We look forward to seeing you there! Manitowoc Lutheran is looking for assistance in housing the MLC Wind Symphony on the evening of May 16th. Approximately 38 students will need to be housed. If you are willing to house any of these future WELS pastors, teachers, or staff ministers, please contact Charis Scharf at cscharf@mlhslancers.org by Tuesday, May 9th. Thank you for considering this opportunity! | | | Building Our Future On Christ Campaign Update Please PRAY: Ask for God's blessings in our efforts to strengthen Manitowoc Lutheran High School's foundation through the Building Our Future on Christ Campaign. LEAD: Get engaged! Be an ambassador for the initiative by spreading the word and helping us transform our students, community, and world! SUPPORT: Continue to help us reach our phase one goal to raise at least an additional $4 million! Contact Martin Plocher, Campaign Director or Jerry Haupt, Campaign Chair at campaign@mlhslancers.org with any questions or comments you may have. You may also visit www.mlhslancers.org/campaign. Thank you. | | | | | THIS WEEK Mon. 4/17 - HR/Flex Varsity & JV Baseball vs Southern Door - POSTPONED | | Tues. 4/18 - HR/Flex Varsity Softball home vs Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah | 4:30pm Varsity Track Quad @ Oostburg HS | 4:30pm JV Baseball home vs Mishicot | 4:30pm JV Softball home vs Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah | After Varsity | | | | Wed. 4/19 - HR/Flex Grade School Track Clinic sign-up deadline | 11:59pm | | Thurs. 4/20 - Normal Schedule Varsity Track Invite @ Oostburg HS | 3:30pm Varsity Baseball @ St. Mary Catholic HS | 4:30pm Varsity Softball @ St. Mary Catholic HS | 4:30pm JV Softball @ St. Mary Catholic HS | After Varsity | | Fri. 4/21 - HR/Flex Lakeshore Lutheran Music Fest @ MLHS | 4pm Varsity Softball @ Xavier HS | 4:30pm | | Sat. 4/22 Forensics State Meet @ DeForest HS Lakeshore Lutheran Schools Academic Fair @ MLHS | 7AM Federation Meeting @ MLHS Room 133 | 9:00am JV Baseball home vs Random Lake | 11:00am Varsity Softball home vs Roncalli | 11:00am JV Softball home vs Roncalli | 12:30pm | | Sun. 4/23 - MLHS Sunday @ St. John St. James - Reedsville | |  | MLHS Track coaching staff and students will be hosting a one day Grade School Track Clinic Session 1 will run from 11:00am to 1:30pm and Session 2 will be from 1:30pm to 4:00pm. To learn more or to sign up click HERE or visit: www.mlhslancers.org/kids | | | Mon. 4/24 Varsity Track North Division Mini Meet @ Hilbert HS | 3:30pm | | Tues. 4/25 Varsity Baseball @ Reedsville | 4:30pm JV Baseball home vs Reedsville | 4:30pm Varsity Softball @ Reedsville | | Wed. 4/26 Spring Band Concert MLHS Gym | 6:30pm | |  | Thurs. 4/27 Varsity Baseball - Softball home vs Random Lake | 4:30pm | | Fri. 4/28 Varsity Track Invite @ Brillion HS | 4:00pm Varsity Softball home vs Fox Valley Lutheran | 4:30pm JV Softball home vs Fox Valley Lutheran | 6:25pm | | Sat. 4/29 Varsity Baseball @ Roncalli HS | 11:00am JV Baseball @ Roncalli HS | 1:00pm MLHS Prom @ The Venue | 7-11:30pm | |  | Friday & Saturday, May 12-13| Lancer Dance Team tryouts are coming up for all girls current grades 8-11 who are attending MLHS next year. Please sign up below. May 12th 5-8pm in the choir room May 12th 7:30-8pm Parent Information meeting in the Music Classroom May 13th 5-7pm in the gym It is mandatory to attend both days. SIGN UP | |  | Tuesday, May 16 | Martin Luther College Wind Symphony Concert in the MLHS Gym 7pm | | Saturday, May 20 | Prism Concert & Art Show 4pm & 7pm Saturday, May 27 | MLHS Graduation 10am Monday, July 24 | Lancer Golf Classic- Quit Qui Oc Golf Club | |  |  | | | |  | TRACK AND FIELD Thursday, April 13 MLHS Track and field competed at a five team conference meet hosted at Howards Grove high school. Congratulations to the high placing Lancers! To God be the glory! | | BOYS 1st Place Kaden Hagenow - 200m - 23.43 Aiden Wagner - High Jump - 5' 6" Trenton Schuettpelz - Triple Jump - 36' 3" 4x200m relay (Aiden Wagner, Caleb Uhlhorn, Bowen Gaedtke, Kaeden Storzer) - 1:40.67 2nd Place Jacob Kanzenbach - 1600m - 5:01.64 Trenton Schuettpelz - 300m Hurdles - 48.75 Caleb Uhlhorn - Long Jump - 17' 4 | | | | GIRLS 1st Place 4x100m relay (Isabella Blauert, Lydia Schulz, Stevie Brunner, Maren Dewane) - 55.32 2nd Place Isabella Blauert - 100m - 13.19 Lizzy Kolar - Discus - 87' 5" Makiah Krause - 300m Hurdles - 57.44 4x200m relay (Maren Dewane, Stevie Brunner, Isabella Blauert, Lydia Schulz) - 2:01.40 | | | | BASEBALL The Lancer baseball team played two games last week losing the first to Mishicot by a score of 10-0 in 5 innings. Seniors Sawyer Stuebs and Jonah Melso collected the two hits for the Lancers. Junior Noah Czarneski started on the mound, pitching 4 innings giving up 6 runs, 1 earned, on 4 hits, striking out 7 and walking 5. The Lancers recovered on Thursday demolishing Hilbert 18-3 in 5 innings. Noah Czarneski collected 4 hits, one of which was a home run and 5 runs batted in. Sophomore Dereke Laabs was also 4-4 on the day. On the mound getting the first win of the season for the Lancers was junior Brayden Zirbel, He pitched all 5 innings giving up 3 earned runs while walking 2 and striking out 9. | |  | SOFTBALL The Lancer softball team also played two games last week losing to Mishicot 12-2 in 6 innings. Senior Hailey Marohn was 2-3, and senior Sam Siehr drove in both runs. Taking the loss for the Lancers was Junor Madison Luebke who allowed 14 runs on 12 hits. The Lancers were back at it Thursday when they took on Hilbert. The Lady Lancers collected 11 runs on 13 hits beating the Wolves 11-5. Senior Jenna Lischka went 4 for 4 with 3 RBIS, Freshman Brylie Zirble was 3 for 5 witha trible, and juniors Bree Hansen and Madison Luebke both collected 2 hits a piece. Luebke also got the win pitching all 7 innings. Edit this section of copy to tell your supporters how their action will help ignite change. Use stories, quotes, data, and other inspiring content to capture their attention and get them to act. | |  | |  | | | |  | | Manitowoc Lutheran High School 4045 Lancer Circle | Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 920-682-0215 | MLHS@mlhslancers.org | | | | | | | | |