| | Campaign Corner Building Committee is resuming their meetings this week to begin the design drawings for phase one, the gym! Please PRAY: Ask for God's blessings in our efforts to strengthen Manitowoc Lutheran High School's foundation through the Building Our Future on Christ Campaign. LEAD: Get engaged! Be an ambassador for the initiative by spreading the word and helping us transform our students, community, and world! SUPPORT: Continue to help us reach our phase one goal to raise at least an additional $4 million! Contact Martin Plocher, Campaign Director or Jerry Haupt, Campaign Chair at campaign@mlhslancers.org with any questions or comments you may have. You may also visit www.mlhslancers.org/campaign. Thank you. |
| | | | MLHS Call Updates Holding Calls to MLHS Pastor Seth Bode to serve in our vacant theology position. He currently serves at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Carmel, Indiana. Mr. Rick Muchka to serve as our new I.T. Director and freshman science teacher. Rick currently serves as Principal and 7th & 8th grade teachers at Morrison Zion in Greenleaf, WI. Mr. Nathan King who has been serving one-year calls here at MLHS was called to become our permanent director of our international ministry. Received Calls Pastor Norv Kock received a call to serve as house parent and instructor at Saint Croix Lutheran Academy in West Saint Paul, MN. Mrs. Kathy Kock received a call to serve as house parent and instructor at Saint Croix Lutheran Academy in West Saint Paul, MN. Mr. Jeff Dolan received a call to serve as social studies instructor and coach at Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee. |
| | MLHS Focus Day 2023 "Resilience" On Wednesday, MLHS hosted our annual Focus Day. The day got going with 30-minute class periods, followed by a longer combined lunch. After lunch all students and teachers gathered together in the gym for the keynote presentation about "Resilience" presented by Karen Fischer, M.S. ED., LPC, BC-TMH of Christian Family Solutions. Our students were presented with important mental health issues, and the reminder that our strength comes from our Savior. Following the presentation, students gathered in their homerooms for follow-up discussions based on what they learned about in the presentation. Many of the homerooms participated in a Kahoot, trivia style game, based on resilience. To close the day everyone gathered together again in the gym to close the day with the focus of Jesus and the peace that only he offers in their hearts. It was an excellent day, we are very thankful to our guest Karen Fischer for presenting to our students. If anyone is looking for more information regarding Christian Family Solutions, and the services they offer, not only to our students here at MLHS, but also to any families who may be in need check out their website: www.christianfamilysolutions.org/ MLHS offers confidential counseling sessions each Monday. If you would like more information or referral contact MLHS Campus Pastor Rik Krahn at rkrahn@mlhslancers.org |
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| | Freshman Information Night Recap On the evenings of Monday, January 23 and Wednesday, January 25 we hosted both of our Freshman Information Nights. We welcomed 72 families into the building to learn more about MLHS, meet teachers, ask questions, tour the building, as well as learn what classes we offer. If you were unable to attend or are looking for more information regarding enrollment at MLHS please email Admissions Director Ryan Holper at Rholper@mlhslancers.org |
| |  | | | Reminders and Information from MLHS - Students must be present half the day to practice in any extra curricular, and must be here all day to participate or perform in a game/play/event. Special permission can be granted from AD or the Principal.
- If a student receives a UA (unverified absent) a parent has 24 hours to excuse this. More than 1 UA results in a detention.
- Students will begin to select courses mid February-March by grade level. Students will need to get parent, advisor, and department head approval for classes.
- The deadline for course changes will be June 15th, there will be a $25 fee after this date.
- Online classes will be for 11th -12th students only, exceptions for 10th can be made by appealing to advisor. The cost of each class is $300 (no 1st one free).
- Students who are interested in Youth Apprenticeship must first apply with MLHS, students must have a teacher recommendation. The application will be sent out end of January. 11th graders interested in YA must be for AG or Trades only. 12th grade can be for anything.
| | Senior Ads for the 22/23 Yearbook: The Excalibar This year the yearbook staff has set aside six pages for senior ads.They are available on a first come, first served basis. Unfortunately, when the pages are gone – they are gone. ½ page: $70, ¼ page: $35, ⅛ page: $20 Email the information and photos to Kathy Kock (kkock@mlhslancers.org) - Charlotte Wodsedalek, editor
- Madysen Leiterman, co-editor
- Kathy Kock, faculty advisor
| | Youth Apprenticeship at MLHS Students interested in Y.A. at MLHS must apply first in the guidance center. If you have any questions about the program and eligibility to participate please email Mr. Ryan Hulse rhulse@mlhslancers.org, Guidance Director. |
| | WPCP (Wisconsin Parental Choice Program) Opens February 1st Families that are currently in the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program and those who would like to begin 9th grade year are encouraged to email Mr. Uhlhorn (duhlhorn@mlhslancers.org) for more information |
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| | ACT PREP AT MLHS ACT Prep Sessions for Juniors Juniors will be taking the ACT test on March 14th at Manitowoc Lutheran High School. To help prepare for this important test, MLHS will be offering 3 ACT test prep sessions. The dates and times are as follows: Saturday, February 18, 2023- Science (Room 109) 9:00am - 11:00am Saturday, February, 25, 2023- English (Room 205) 9:00am - 11:00am Saturday, March 4, 2023- Math (Room 213) 9:00am - 11:00am All juniors taking the ACT should strongly consider attending these three sessions. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Sign up sheets will be posted outside of each classroom as the dates get closer. Please make arrangements to ask off of work for these mornings. Thank you to Mr. Otto, Mr. Hochmuth, Mr. Barthel and Mr. Foelske for leading these sessions! Feel free to contact Mr. Marohn with any questions you may have at cmarohn@mlhslancers.org. |
| | Manitowoc Lutheran High School Presents You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown Ticket sale starts Feb. 1 $10 General Admission $14 Reserved Seating Tickets will be available to purchase online starting Feb.1 they may also be purchased in the MLHS main office during school hours. |
| Women in the Pipe Trades Open House DJ Kloida (Local 400) Inviting girls and women of all ages! Hands-On Skills Demonstrations | Female Interactive Panel Discussion Training Facility Tours | Employer Meet & Greet | Door Prizes Appetizers |Refreshments March 8th, 2023 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Local 400 Training Center 2700 Northridge Drive Kaukauna, WI 54130 Please RSVP by Monday, February 20th |
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| | | | | | | Check out the MLHS Scrip page for updated forms, newsletters, and special incentives |
Visit the MLHS Fine Arts page for more information. |
| | | Manitowoc Lutheran High School 4045 Lancer Circle | Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 920-682-0215 | MLHS@mlhslancers.org |
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