| | | Welcome to the Lakeshore Lutheran Schools Monthly Newsletter. The main purpose of the newsletter is to provide everyone with one location for information. |
| December Dates to Note Saturday, December 10 | Jr. Lancer Christmas Concert Thursday, December 21 | MLHS Christmas Concert |
| | Curriculum Coordinator LLS Assessment Team Lakeshore Lutheran Schools has been chosen as one of ten “districts” to participate in an assessment professional development opportunity. Through this grant, we receive funding ($23,000) for 12 professional development sessions, 5 sessions of “in-district” coaching support, and $1200 worth of sub pay for our participants. The following flyer contains more information. If you are interested in serving on this team, please reach out to your principal or Corey Marohn (cmarohn@mlhslancers.org). It would be great to have one representative from each of our LLS! Science Curriculum Team- Next Meeting: Monday, January 11th noon-3:00pm Team Members: Sarah Mueller (Howards Grove), Noah Panzer (Kiel), Ryan Jaeger (Two Rivers), Anne Kavicky (Algoma), Dan Schulz & Sara Spencer (Bethany), Guy Gast (Immanuel), Sarah Zimmerman, Katie Wentker (Maribel), and Peter Buege (First German) Future Meeting Dates: Thursday, January 11th (12:00-3:00) Thursday, February 22nd (12:00-3:00) Thursday, March 7th (12:00-3:00) Thursday April, 25th (12:00-3:00) Thursday, May 16th (12:00-3:00) Science Team Professional Development: - Next Generation Science Standards- Bozeman Science Video Series
- Visible Learning for Science by John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie book study
Reading & Phonics Units of Study Professional Development Schedule Winter 2024 | Jan. 8, 2024 ½ day | K- 2 12:00 - 3:00 | Planning Unit 4 | Jan. 16, 2024 ½ day | 3 - 5 12:00 - 3:00 | Planning Unit 4 | Jan.10, 2024 ½ day | 6 - 8 12:00 - 3:00 | Planning Unit 4 | Spring 2024 | Feb. 27, 2023 ½ day | K- 2 12:00 - 3:00 | Planning Unit 5 | Feb. 28, 2023 ½ day | 3 - 5 12:00 - 3:00 | Planning Unit 5 | Feb. 29, 2023 ½ day | 6 - 8 12:00 - 3:00 | Planning Unit 5 | Fastbridge Winter Testing Window- November 20th through March 1st |
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| Admissions/Recruitment - Put on your radar MLHS 9th grade information nights January 29 & 31.
| | Lakeshore Lutheran Schools K-12 Highlights and Events |
| LLS "Hidden Portal Site" A reminder there is a link to the LLS Portal for any teacher in LLS. Items on this site include a list of substitute teachers, LLS teacher directory, past LLS newsletters, a calendar of Corey Marohns professional growth opportunities with LLS, pictures and more. The "secret" password is LLS. Llschools (lakeshorelutheranschools.net) |
| CALL UPDATES Manitowoc Lutheran High School Call News Pastor Paul Cerny to MLHS Mr. Matthew Meitner to MLHS Mrs Keturah Hochmuth from MLHS to St Martin Watertown SD Lakeshore Lutheran School & Church Call News Calls deliberating to Serve at Lakeshore Lutheran Schools/Churches Rev Kent Holz to First German MTWC Mr Seth Arps to St Peter's Sturgeon Bay Miss Karin Tiarks to St Peter's Sturgeon Bay Mr Eric Duve to St Paul Algoma Miss Michael Wilde to St Paul Algoma Mr Andrew Mantz to SJSJ Reedsville Mrs Emily Mantz to SJSJ Reedsville Miss Lindsay Ernst to FG MTWC Calls deliberating to those currently serving at a Lakeshore Lutheran School/Churches Mr Dan Schulz to Neenah LS Mr David Knittel to Elkhorn WI Mr Noah Panzer to Northland Lutheran Mr Andrew Dais to Hortonville WI Mr Peter Buege to Janesville WI Mr Phill Hochmuth to Watertown SD |
| | | Lancer Singer / Jazz Band Tour to some of our LLS took place in October. We would like to thank Bethany - Manitowoc, St. John - Newtonburg, St. Paul - Howards Grove, and Trinity - Kiel for their warm welcome. We look forward to visiting our other schools in the years to come! Information and music for the Lakeshore Lutheran Children’s Choral Festival will be sent out the week of December 11th. Please coordinate with your music teacher / fine arts contact to answer the questionnaire. Thanks! Celebrate Christmas with MLHS and all of our Lakeshore Lutheran Schools at the Capitol Civic Centre! The MLHS students have been working hard on their preparations for the MLHS Christmas Concert! The Lutheran High Christmas Concert has grown to be a popular tradition for our students, the area WELS family, and our friends in the Manitowoc community. This year, students from the Jr. Lancer Youth Choir are invited to join us in the opening anthem of the concert. MLHS Alumni are invited to join in singing the final song of the concert. Please encourage your students and their parents to join us for the MLHS Christmas Concert at the Capitol Civic Centre. This year’s concert will be held on Thursday, December 21st at 4:30 and 7:30pm. We would also love to have all of the Lakeshore Lutheran pastors, teachers, and school staffs as part of this special evening. Teenagers don’t often share with their Lutheran Elementary School teachers and their pastors that they love seeing you at their events. But, they truly are excited when they see you at their events supporting them during their high school years. Please consider joining us at the CCC on the 21st! We would like to wish you God’s continued blessings on your school year and hope that you can join us for our celebration of the Christ-child’s birth. God’s richest blessings on your Christmas celebration! |
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| LLS 2023-2024 School Year INFO Theme: I am with you. Matthew 28:20b Joint Mission Project: Abiding Word, Easley SC. Hello once again from South Carolina. Greetings in the name of our coming King! Our fall and winter update finds us in the middle of a lot going on in Easley, SC. We have been worshipping on the first Sunday of the month since September. We have been averaging about 35 in worship, and have done quite a bit to introduce ourselves to the community. The weekend of Halloween, we participated in the downtown “Treats on the Streets” trunk or treat celebration. We had two teams meeting people with treats at both a booth in the market square as well as at our mission site downtown. We got to meet hundreds and hundreds of walkers and welcomed them into the actual facility. In two weeks from this writing we’re having an open house during the annual Festival of Lights parade. We’re also planning an Advent song service before Christmas. Beginning January, we will be moving to services twice a month and introducing a midweek evening Bible Study. By Holy Week we’re looking forward to welcoming the MLHS National Honor Society down here to help with an Easter for Kids event which will usher in the point at which we plan on going to full-time worship at Abiding Peace, Easley. Until the next time, we thank you for your continued prayers for us. And more thank yous for considering your support! In Christ, Pastor Jon Meyer |
| | | | Lakeshore Lutheran League and Athletics 2023-2024 LLL Athletic Dates Volleyball A team champs Newtonburg A team runner up SJSJ Reedsville Cross Country Boys team winner Bethany Boys 2nd place Zion Morrison Girls team winner Zion Morrison Girls 2nd place Trinity Kiel Soccer Done for 23-24 school year Basketball B Team Tournament Jan 19-21 A Team Tournament Jan 26-28 Track May 14, 2024 @ Ron Rubick Field |
| | OTHER LAKESHORE LUTHERAN SCHOOL INFORMATION Please share information you want others to know about by emailing LLS@mlhslancers.org or pdurkee@mlhslancers.org Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs, ages 14 and older. On Friday, February 9, 2024, Manitowoc Lutheran High School in Manitowoc, Wisconsin will serve as one of the more than 720 locations around the world that hosted Night to Shine simultaneously. This worldwide movement took place in all 50 states across the nation and 34 countries around the world…and the numbers continue to grow! Guests will receive VIP treatment including hair and makeup stations, shoe shining stations, corsages and boutonnieres, karaoke, limo rides, and of course, dancing! Every guest of Night to Shine will experience a red carpet welcome complete with friendly paparazzi. The highlight of the night will come when every one of the Night to Shine guests is crowned as a king or queen of the prom. Night to Shine is a spectacular celebration of God's gift of life! Information and registration can be found at www.mlhsnighttoshine.org _______________________________________________________________________________________ Part-time Afternoon Preschool Assistant Position Available: Jesus‘ Lambs of Grace (2426 N. Rapids Rd., Manitowoc) is looking for one or more people willing and able to assist with the care of children during the afternoon hours of 1:00-5:30pm Monday through Friday. This shift could be split if we have more than one person interested. If you, or someone you know, over the age of 18, loves working with kids, has one or more afternoons available, and would like a flexible part-time job, please contact the preschool at 920-482-0001 and ask for Peg Janke. ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Trinity Brillion Outreach Team will be hosting their second Live Nativity at Stone Prairie, (Center Road, Brillion) on Saturday, December 9, with six 20-minute performances that begin at 5:00pm and repeat every half hour until 8:00pm. And yes… Joe the Camel will be there! This is a wonderful opportunity to tell people about the birth of Jesus and give the Holy Spirit a chance to work faith in people’s hearts. The event is free… Plan on attending with your friends, neighbors, & relatives! _______________________________________________________________________________________ St. Johns Newtonburg hosts ‘A Savior is Born’ As we prepare our hearts for our Savior’s birth, there will be special worship services on December 10, 2023 8 am and 10:30 am. Professional singers Darren and Shelly Johnson from St. Mark in De Pere will enhance our service with special Christmas music. |
| The Building Our Future on Christ Building Project activity has picked up with installing the footings and foundations, parking lot and the southwest corner retention pond. It is exciting to come to school every day and see all the activity and blessings unfold. You and your students have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming years. With this project being the largest project in the history of MLHS, the funding aspect continues to be a large part of this project. Recently MLHS took part in Giving Tuesday and by the grace of God over 50% of the $50,000 goal was met so far. We cannot thank everyone enough for the continued support in prayers and financial gifts. Please visit www.mlhslancers.org/campaign to see all of the updates and details in one location. You will find weekly video clips of the progress, a link to the construction photo gallery, and past quarterly updates. Please let Michelle Luebke at mluebke@mlhslancers.org know if you are not receiving the quarterly updates. The last one went out in November to your emails. You can also follow MLHS on social media, thanks to Paul Durkee. To God be the glory for all of this. |
|  | | LLS Executive Committee Information Information from the executive committee to all principals on future meetings. - January 12th 9am-12pm @MLHS (Presentation meeting)
- May 17th 11am-3pm @TBD
| Lakeshore Lutheran School Elected Commitee |
| Dave Uhlhorn Director duhlhorn@mlhslancers.org |
Phil Hochmuth Vice Director phochmuth@stjohnmaribel.com |
Dave Backus Secretary dbackus@sjln.org |
Peter Buege At Large pbuege@firstgerman.org |
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| Paul Lutze At Large plutze@stpeterssb.net |
Corey Marohn Advisory cmarohn@mlhslancers.org |
Debbie Heiderich Advisory dheiderich@stjohnmaribel.com |
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