|  | Quarterly Campaign Update February 2024 |
|  | If the Walls Could Talk Over the process of building this new addition, we have heard many references about the walls of Manitowoc Lutheran High School. In any building project, the walls are very important. The drive however for this building project, past projects, and God willing more to come, has always been about what happens inside the walls. I am an alumnus of MLHS. I am an employee of MLHS. I am a parent of a graduate and current senior at MLHS. I can share stories from each time of my life about what I have experienced inside the walls. However, for this purpose my heart would like to share what happens OUTSIDE the walls of MLHS as a result of what happened inside the walls. Probably my most meaningful image that comes to my mind, to support what I am saying, takes me to the year 2007. It was the time of my life where my husband and I were raising our young family, and we were living in Fond du Lac. God's plan was for my family to go through some scary medical issues with our children. Back in Manitowoc, unbeknownst to us, a benefit was arranged by our family and friends. My husband and I tag teamed, and he went to the benefit in the morning and now I was arriving in the afternoon. I parked the car. I was greeted with a golf cart chauffer, who brought me up to the big tent on the backside of the building. As I came around the corner, I saw over 300 people turn their heads my direction, in silence. It was overwhelming to see so many people there for my little family. (Next realization is the important part for this story). As I slowly searched the warm faces of each person standing there. I saw along with my family and friends, MLHS alumni from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s everywhere! They were friends from me and my husband's class, and friends from our sibling's classes and also from our parent's classes, all of whom my husband and I will forever be in debt to their love and support. The feeling was surreal, and I have to be honest, of all things that were going through my head I kept thinking about that bible verse from Luke 2:19, " But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." I kept thinking, "I need to find a way to collect and store my feelings at this very moment. I wanted to find a way to bottle up these feelings so whenever I needed a little boost I could open that bottle up and be able to feel that moment again. In addition to that, I wanted to share that bottle with whoever else needed to feel that love in their dark times. Everywhere I turned I was brought into arms of those who seemed to feel the pain we were going through. The embraces were followed with words of encouragement all based on God's love and promises. I can't help but wonder how different that time of my life would have been without MLHS being part of my story, part of their stories, part of your story. If you are reading this, MLHS has also touched you too, somehow. I can't help but feel the excitement of the potential these new walls will bring outside of the walls! I pray that God continues to grow in the hearts of all those who come and go within these new walls! To God be all the glory. Thank you MLHS. |
| | | | | Don't Take Our Word for It |
| Gone are the days where the main way to learn about things going on at MLHS is through a current student (if you were lucky). Now, through livestream or social media you can at times know to the second what is going on at the high school, or at your leisure one can go to the website and get caught up at anytime. Below are just a few highlights of what you should take a look at. We want you to see, for yourself, what we mean about the blessings at MLHS. You have a right to know what you are supporting with your prayers and financial gifts. God is great! Thank you for your continued support! |
| Recent Highlights at MLHS Click on the image of the Yearly Report Card to see a quick snapshot of highlights of MLHS. See how MLHS compares academically to all of the public and private choice schools in Wisconsin. Click Here Want more news about your high school, read all about it in the Lancer Express (the weekly newsletter) Watch the Lancer Link videos, including the most recently released February Edition of the Lancer Link! Stay up to date and follow us on your favorite social media platform and share the news! |
| | | | A message from MLHS Board of Control Chairman, Jerry Haupt: Many of you have contributed to our campaign, and we cannot thank you enough! Your support and generosity have enabled us to transition from a dream and a set of drawings to a groundbreaking, construction, and soon-to-be state-of-the-art gym! There is no longer doubt or thoughts of what might happen. Now, it's excitement about what is happening. To God be the Glory! I want to share a personal note on contributing toward Building Our Future on Christ. When Linda and I considered pledging to this campaign, we asked ourselves, "Why should we contribute to this effort?" After all, our two sons graduated from MLHS in '93 and '95. We have no grandchildren who will be future Lancers. MLHS will have no future benefits for our family. Some would consider those valid reasons not to contribute. As we processed our decision, we determined not to frame our decision around selfish reasons not to contribute. We realized that when our sons were at MLHS, it was about our kids and all the kids in the '93 and '95 classes. And we decided it is still about the kids, even in 2024. The MLHS ministry was important to us then, and it's just as important to us today. It's about the kids today and the kids that will be Lancers in years to come! So, if you are considering helping us "Finish Strong" and contributing to Building Our Future on Christ, I would like to encourage you to consider: The building we see going up is important, but what goes on inside those walls is essential to our loving God! In closing, when you talk about all that God is doing at MLHS with family, friends, and members of your congregation, ask them if they would prayerfully consider contributing to Building Our future on Christ. It's about the ministry. It's about the kids! The kids are a reason! |
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| TOGETHER We Can "FINISH STRONG" Construction is on schedule. The walls are up, and steel will arrive on site next week. Each day, the shape of the building will become more defined. To stay within our project budget; it was decided to build out the walls of the locker rooms but not finish them. We were approximately $500K shy of completing the work; however, you have closed the gap to roughly $104K! The team is working hard to raise additional dollars that cover the need before the end of March deadline to engage and hire subcontractors and order the interior items needed. (lockers, benches, tile, plumbing, etc.) This deadline is required to keep the project on time and within budget. We feel confident this is a very attainable goal but decided to wait with that "go ahead" until we have secured the necessary funds. |
| "Finish Strong" will continue to be our theme as we move through the next 10 months. As noted, finishing the locker rooms is a priority. Exceeding that goal is within our reach. We are counting on the Gala, which is in place of the annual Spring Showcase, scheduled for March 23rd to get us there! More about the Gala is explained later in this newsletter. As a friendly reminder, every contribution made now helps to avoid accruing interest on the money needed to finish this project. Your timely contribution will continue to make a significant impact, and it ensure that every dollar goes directly to this building project! |
| Lancer Gala 2024: 'Grand Night of Giving" As mentioned above, we are changing up the Spring Showcase and ramping it up to a Gala. What is a Gala? It is a formal, regal type of event where the main purpose of the event is to celebrate together while raising money for a non profit organization or special purpose for a non profit organization, which in this case is Manitowoc Lutheran. This inaugural gala will focus on "closing the gap" of the $104K needed by the end of March, to finish off the locker rooms. Finishing the locker rooms is a priority, and exceeding that goal we believe is within our reach! Please plan to join us Saturday, March 23, 2024 at the Inn on Maritime Bay located at 101 Maritime Drive in Manitowoc. For registration or more information go to: www.mlhslancers.org/lancergala If you are interested in becoming one of the major sponsors for this event, or would be interested in matching, please contact Kevin Buch today at kmbuch@mlhslancers.org. |
| Thank you for your continued support. PRAY Ask for God's blessings in our efforts to strengthen Manitowoc Lutheran High School's foundation through the Building Our Future on Christ Campaign. LEAD Get engaged! Be an ambassador for the campaign by spreading the word about our mission: "To use our God-given gifts to help each student become thoroughly equipped for paths of service to our Redeemer." SUPPORT Continue to help us reach our phase one goal to raise at least an additional $4.1 million! |
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| Contact Us Manitowoc Lutheran High School 4045 Lancer Circle Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 920-682-0215 MLHS@mlhslancers.org |
Jerry Haupt MLHS Board of Control Chairman mlhs@mlhslancers.org |
Martin Plocher Campaign Director mplocher@mlhslancers.org |
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