February 2022


"Go away from me Lord. I am a sinful man." Those were words that Simon Peter said to Jesus after the miracle of the big catch of fish in Luke 5:1-11. "Really, Peter?" we might think to ourselves. "You just saw a pretty awesome thing, this miracle of a nets and boats full of fish!" It really was an awesome sight. But Peter recognized something that the miracle proved about Jesus which instantly created terror in his heart and brought him to his knees. He was in the presence of his holy Creator Lord.

And Peter was right. He shouldn't be in the presence of God. He was demonstrating a profound, painful truth. We sinful people cannot stand in the presence of God. There is nothing we deserve but God's eternal wrath and punishment. But as so often God would say to sinners, so Jesus said that day to Peter, "Do not be afraid."

Jesus changes everything! Because of the forgiveness of sins Jesus earned and through faith in Him, he has made it possible for sinners like Peter, you, and me to rise back to our feet and stand in the presence of God. We are completely clean. Our slate is wiped clean because of Jesus. Our guilty conscience is clean because of Jesus. Sins are forgiven and forgotten. We no longer need to be afraid... all because of Jesus! This is the Gospel that through God's grace in Jesus we are privileged to proclaim here at MLHS. 

God grant us the grace to keep us focused on that mission...Because of Jesus!

Pastor Jon Meyer


This is such an exciting time for MLHS as we are getting close to beginning construction of the final phase of our master site plan. Ground breaking is coming, and scheduled for early summer of this year!

We have almost 4 million dollars pledged and raised to date. But we still have some work to do in order to show the bank we can pay back any loan they give us. In order to do that we created a plan to show the bank how we would pay for this project. We highlighted four areas of focus, and our alumni base is one of these four. We have over 4,000 total Lancers in various parts of the United States. Our goal is to have 10% of the total number of graduates at the average pledge amount of $8500. That means we are looking for an additional 400 donations or pledges. If we can reach that 400 with the average gift/pledge being $8500 that would be about an additional 3.4 million dollars towards the project! As always, there is no gift too big or too small. It all makes a difference.

Your help will give our future Lancers a space to worship their Lord, a space to use their God given physical gifts and abilities, and a school facility that the Manitowoc community will be proud of. As always, first and foremost, your prayers for the ministry of MLHS are appreciated and needed. If you are able and willing to participate the information to pledge or donate is below. We want our lancer family to be as generous as they can, so a pledge at various lengths can be an option.  Please contact the Mission Advancement Office with any questions.

God Bless to the Lancer Family,

Ryan Hulse – Director of Mission Advancement


A Note from the Alumni Committee

The purpose of the MLHS Alumni Committee is to promote the school's mission and to strengthen ties between current students, alumni, parents and community. Our first goal is to establish a connection with graduating seniors to help keep them stay connected to MLHS from the day they walk out the doors after graduation. We would like to send correspondence and care packages to our graduates throughout the next few years to keep them connected to their high school home. We would also like to help other classes with their reunions, especially if they haven't had one in a while.

The committee is also excited to be planning special events to invite back all alumni. These events would include homecoming, anniversary or commemorative events, and career fairs. Another goal of this committee is to organize an alumni mentor database, in order to provide a great resource for our students to be able to talk with alumni who are in the workforce, share their experiences, and provide mentorship.

We are looking for more people to join our group and help us to continue to brainstorm this connection with alumni. Please contact Ryan Hulse at rhulse@mlhslancers.org 


Alumni Spotlight: Bryanna Jensen

Bryanna Jensen, 2014 MLHS graduate and Immanuel Lutheran graduate is owner and cosmetologist at Shades of Paradise in Manitowoc. She and her husband Brett have two sons: Matthew (2) and William (3 months).

How did MLHS prepare you for your future studies or career?
MLHS gave me the confidence to pursue my creative dreams by allowing me to explore different extracurricular activities! I’ve made lifelong friends with other students as well as staff and am so blessed by those relationships. I believe that every experience and encounter I had at Lutheran High shaped my future and were fundamental in who I am today!

How did MLHS prepare you spiritually to go out into the world?
MLHS made me even more confident in my faith, encouraged me in worship, and gave me an amazing foundation on God and His word to just continue adding onto as I grow in my adult life.

What is your fondest memory from MLHS? 
Honestly, just being involved with Lancer Singers! Being able to worship, sing, and create memories with likeminded believers is something I will forever miss. I also truly enjoyed being a part of so many extracurricular activities from managing girls’ basketball to yearbook editor and so many others in between. That’s where I found my deepest relationships and biggest passions!

What advice would you give to current MLHS students?
Say yes!! Try something new; get involved! Not only will you create relationships and memories but you will also discover what drives you…what your passions are! If you try something and don’t enjoy it, try something else until you find your thing! I loved being in a smaller school setting as it gave me way more opportunity to try activities and experience things I never thought I’d love! Most importantly, draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Young adult life has so many challenges that without relying on God, I don’t know where I’d be today! Be blessed and be a blessing!!


Upcoming Events at MLHS


Tuesday, February 15;

The Attendees will be able to enjoy a guided tour of the facilities, meet the staff, learn about student organizations and extracurriculars, and get an update on the upcoming building project at the high school. The event is geared to anyone interested in learning more about MLHS, not only families with high school students.


MLHS Encore

Lancer Alumni are all invited to the first MLHS Encore. Like Homecoming in the fall, we would like to have an opportunity for our Alumni to come back to campus in the spring for a fine arts event. You are all invited to the March 12 performance of Fiddler on the Roof. With your RSVP you will receive one free general admissions ticket. You are welcome to purchase a reserve seat on the floor if you wish. You are also invited to an alumni reception before the 7pm show, this reception will begin at 5:30pm in conference room of the school. We look forward to having you back on campus.
Please RSVP by March 1st.

MLHS Spring Musical
Fiddler on the Roof
March 11 & 12 at 7 pm
March 13 at 2 pm


Knox's Silver Valley

Saturday, March 19

Registration will include a plated dinner, live & silent auctions, a raffle (with top prize of $5,000!), and entertainment by Riley Haupt. All proceeds this year will benefit the MLHS Track & Field program as we work to build our own facilities.


Did you know that 65% of families do not have a will or an estate plan? MLHS is offering an easy way to make sure you have everything in order. MLHS is partnering with SFC Estate planning to make sure your family is taken care of. Contact Ryan Hulse at MLHS or click the link below for more information.

Office: 920-682-0215  ext.100
Cell: 651-587-2060


Manitowoc Lutheran High School
4045 Lancer Circle  | Manitowoc, Wisconsin  54220
920-682-0215 | MLHS@mlhslancers.org

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